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Weekly Guided Meditation
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Dear All,

This is an invitation for everyone that is searching to still our restless mind.

Every Tuesday night i will be offering a guided meditation focusing on healing and balancing our chakra system.
We will work together on our breathe with colour visualisation techniques to help relive stress built up in our physical and emotional bodies.
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What to expect

`A deeper understanding of our physical and mental bodies
`Realisation of feelings and emotions
`Learn how to release negative thoughts
'An overall balance between the body, mind and spirit

Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
*option* tea & discussion 7:30 - 8:00

By Donation** suggested $10

Please note*
Limited number of spaces available - maximum 8 people
To reserve your spot please RSVP
0407 690 769
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This will be conducted in my humble home, so for privacy reasons the location will be emailed shortly after reservation.

Upcoming dates
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A little light on the Chakra System

The word comes from the Sanskrit cakra meaning "wheel" or "circle". The chakras exist on the etheric plane and resemble whirling wheels of energy. These energy centres correspond to the endocrine glands in the physical body. All chakras interpenetrate one another and each one corresponds to a particular colour frequency and with a particular organ or gland.
The chakras are aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They vitalise the physical body and are associated with interactions of a physical, emotional and mental nature. The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in this Universal Life Force Energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance.

"The most effective way to clear and heal chakra problems is to put attention on the affected area during meditation & allow the kundalini energy to rise, heal and cleanse you. “

What is Colour Therapy

Colour therapy is a non-invasive therapy that makes use of the healing energy contained within the visible rays of colour.
It is a complementary therapy, which works in a subtle way with many other types of treatment.
Colour can be used to focus and still the mind for meditation, balance energy, aid creativity and learning, release blocks and help alleviate physical, emotional and mental conditions.

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Please come with an open heart and mind - we will raise the energy together and become completely absorbed by colour

Love and light



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